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Lake Como: come for the beauty, stay for the food, leave with a fine

One of the areas of the Italian peninsula I need to explore a bit more is northern Italy, more specifically, the luxury lakes. For years I have heard about the posh lakeside cities of Lake Maggiore, Lake Iseo, Lake Garda, and of course, Lake Como. Up until this point I have avoided them because I have also heard they can be a bit touristy, but maybe during the summer months they will offer some relief from the southern Italian heat. Sure the lakes are a departure for the rather rustic or "rough around the edges" beaches of southern Italy, but the mountains provide their own unique and equally stunning backdrop to a day by the water.

And what's on the menu for dinner one may ask?

Well there won't be nearly as much pasta and don't expect an arrancino anywhere, but that doesn't mean you won't find something equally satiating. Polenta and gorgonzola, risotto all Milanese, veal, and panettone anchor a delicious pasto del nord. Just a little caveat, if you were thinking you would go to Lake Como to go star searching for a certain Mr. Beautiful, ehem Clooney, DO NOT get too close. Roberto Pozzi, mayor of Laglio, has issued an ordinance that any car or boat that comes within 100 meters of Clooney's villas will be fined. With that said, for a glimpse of Clooney, or more importantly, to see whatever amazing designer dossier Amal is donning, I may welcome that fine.

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